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Dëse Fichier ass vu(n) Wikimedia Commons an däerf vun anere Projete benotzt ginn. D'Beschreiwung op senger Beschreiwungssäit steet hei ënnendrënner.

Beschreiwung Atlas Image mosaic of the Tarantula Nebula (also known as 30 Doradus or NGC 2070). This nebula, in the Large Magellanic Cloud, is the closest example to us of a giant ionized hydrogen (H II) region, covering several hundred parsecs in diameter. The closest analog in our Milky Way Galaxy is the H II region NGC 3603. 30 Doradus serves as a "Rosetta Stone" for massive starbursts of this kind in galaxies at larger distances from us. Clusters of hundreds of young, massive O and B stars, particularly the dense central "super star" cluster, R136, provide the ultraviolet photons which ionize and photoevaporate the large filamentary cloud. A number of other stellar populations, including red supergiants and Wolf-Rayet stars, coexist in 30 Doradus. Detailed studies in the optical of the nebula and its stellar contents shows a complex history of recent star formation. In the near-infrared, pre-main-sequence objects are also found, particularly along the Ks-bright molecular hydrogen (H2) line-emitting filaments in the nebula's periphery, which can be seen in the 2MASS image. What emerges is a scenario of new generations of stars triggered by the energy input from the massive stellar clusters, which is likely a characteristic picture for star-forming regions of this scale in galaxies.
Quell http://www.ipac.caltech.edu/2mass/gallery/images_hii.html (direct link)
Auteur E. Kopan (IPAC). Atlas Image mosaic obtained as part of the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), a joint project of the University of Massachusetts and the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center/California Institute of Technology, funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the National Science Foundation.
(Dëse Fichier nach eng Kéier benotzen)


Public domain Diese Datei ist gemeinfrei (public domain), da sie von der NASA erstellt worden ist. Die NASA-Urheberrechtsrichtlinie besagt, dass „NASA-Material nicht durch Urheberrecht geschützt ist, wenn es nicht anders angegeben ist“. (NASA-Urheberrechtsrichtlinie-Seite oder JPL Image Use Policy).


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Versioun vumMiniaturbildDimensiounenBenotzerBemierkung
aktuell14:09, 24. Dez. 2009Miniaturbild fir d'Versioun vum 14:09, 24. Dez. 2009860 × 860 (665 KB)TryphonCropped from http://www.ipac.caltech.edu/2mass/gallery/30doratlas.jpg.
17:52, 1. Feb. 2005Miniaturbild fir d'Versioun vum 17:52, 1. Feb. 2005156 × 156 (8 KB)CWitte30 Doradus

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