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Se läit am Südweste vu Montegiardino an ass déi eenzeg Uertschaft an der Gemeng.

Ass Montegiardino selwer keng Uertschaft?? Eng Gemeng ka jo schlecht aus engem Deel bestoen deen eng Uertschaft ass an deen aneren net. --Les Meloures (Diskussioun) 10:24, 23. Dez. 2016 (UTC)[äntweren]
Montegiardino is not a settlement, this must be a municipality that includes Montegiardino "of itself" and another small populated place Cerbaiola. At least as I understand the political division of San Marino. If the division will be changed in a future, the article would be re-written. --Wolverène (Diskussioun) 10:48, 23. Dez. 2016 (UTC)[äntweren]
In such cases we should stay with the original names and not translate in Uertschaft. We have the same case in Luxembourg where communes mostly have the same name as the main village. But when a commune has two villages, one who gives the name an another one, we can't tell that the second one is the only one. --Les Meloures (Diskussioun) 10:56, 23. Dez. 2016 (UTC)[äntweren]