Diskussioun:Taifun (Rakéit)
"Se hat e Kaliber vun 10 cm, a war 1,89 Meter laang. Mat der Sprengcharge vu 500 Gramm hat se een Eegegewiicht vun 9 kg" : - Dem Christian Zentner a Friedemann Bedürftig hiert "Das gross Lexikon des Zweiten Weltkriegs" gëtt aner Zuelen u fir de Modell "F", déi sech z.D. staark ënenrscheede vun deenen, déi hei stinn. Wat ass d'Quell vun "eisen" Zuelen? --Cornischong 20:17, 22 September 2007 (UTC)
[Quelltext änneren]The rocket Taifun is a biliquid rocket reputed to be fired in groups of 65 from a launching machine known as the Dobgerate. From all indications, it never passed beyond the experimental stage. The projectile is approximately 2.1 meters long and 10 centimeters in diameter. The greater pari is taken up with the fuel tanks which contain Visol and acid. The acid is housed in a central aluminium tank, while the Visol is contained in the annular tank between the inside tank and the outer skin of the missile. The walls of both tanks are 1 mm thick. (See fig. 199.) The acid tank is supported in the rocket shell by two aluminum end plates bolted to its end flanges. These end plates are perforated so as to connect the fuel tanks at the upper end to the cartridge pot, and at the lower end to the liquid sprays. A thin aluminum rupturing diaphragm covers the holes in the two end plates. Behind the solid steel nose piece there is a hollow chamber f or housing the 500 grams of explosive, the impact fuze, and the igniting device f or setting off the cartridge pot. The cartridge pot is just aft the chamber which houses the warhead and the fuzing system. When the contents of the cartridge pot begin to burn, a et gas is generated which is used to expel the liquids from the tanks and force them into the combustion chamber. The combustion chamber and venturi are made of mild steel mostly 1 mm thick, but the thickness increases at the venturi throat to 2,5 to 3 mm. At the end of 2 seconds Operation, the temperature of the venturi reached 300° to 400°. It was possible which it had to be renewed.
DATA: Dimensions: Total length: 2.10 meters. Maximum diameter: 0.10 meter. Length of tanks: Acid tunk: 1.15 meters. Annular tank: 1.20 meters. Diameter of tanks: Acid tank: 0.08 meter. Annular tank: 0.10 meter. Weights: Nose Piece: 1.30 kg. Outer Shell: 3.25 kg. Tanks: 1.75kg. Combustion Chamber: 1.50 kg Thrust Block: 0.73 kg. Thrust Disk: 0.70kg. Rest: 1.77kg. Total (empty) : 11.00 kg. Charge in Warhead: 0.50 kg. Expellant Cartridge: 0.50 kg. Acid: 8.60 kg. Fuel (Vizol) : 2.30 kg. Total (loaded) : 22.90 kg.
Quelle: OP 1666, Volume I, Seite 223.
( http://www.gtgj.de/script/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?=&p=5022 ) --Cornischong 20:34, 22 September 2007 (UTC)
Meng Quell ass:
- Raketen die den Krieg entscheiden sollten; J Engelmann (Podzun Pallas Verlag)
- an deen huet als Quellen:
- Geheimprojekt Mittelbau; Martin Bornemann (J.F Lehmann Verlag)
- Vom Geschoss zum Feuerpfeil; Heinrich Klein (Vowinckel Verlag)
- Mission sans retour; Myrone N Cuich 1979
- Spiegel 1965/N° 45
- TradGem Flakregister vum Dr. Werner Gerber München
- Interessengemeinschaft für Befestigungsanlagen (IBA)
- Feldpostbrief-Sammlung; Reinhold Sterz Karlsruhe
- The flying bomb; R.A Young London 1978
Les Meloures 21:43, 22 September 2007 (UTC)
- P.s.
- an dem engleschen Text hei uwendriwwer geet riets vu Visol als Brennstoff. Dee war an der Rakéit Wasserfall. Am de: Artikel Wasserfall (Rakete) ass dat ënner dem Kapitel Abschusssequenz ze fannen. Les Meloures 21:49, 22 September 2007 (UTC)
- Nach ee P.s
- Dat Bild hei niewendrunn huet e copyright a soll wann et säinn Zweck erfëllt huet geläscht ginn. Les Meloures 22:04, 22 September 2007 (UTC)
Salbei als Dreifstoff?
[Quelltext änneren]Wosst net datt a menger Zënnpasta esou vill Wuppes wier. --Jwh 01:16, 2. Dez. 2011 (UTC)