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Wikipedia:De Staminee/Archiv 2015/Abrëll-Juni

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SUL finalization update

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Hi all,apologies for writing in English, please read this page for important information and an update involving SUL finalization, scheduled to take place in one month. Thanks. Keegan (WMF) (talk) 19:45, 13. Mäe. 2015 (UTC)[äntweren]

Stewards confirmation rules

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Hello, I made a proposal on Meta to change the rules for the steward confirmations. Currently consensus to remove is required for a steward to lose his status, however I think it's fairer to the community if every steward needed the consensus to keep. As this is an issue that affects all WMF wikis, I'm sending this notification to let people know & be able to participate. Best regards, --MF-W 16:12, 10. Abr. 2015 (UTC)[äntweren]

VisualEditor News #2—2015

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19:48, 10. Abr. 2015 (UTC)

Bürokratenrechte in kleinen Wikis

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Hallo zusammen. Vor einem Monat ging es um die Adminrechte in kleinen Wikipedien, nun also sollen die Bürokratenrechte massiv eingeschränkt werden: meta:Requests for comment/Removal of bureaucrats in small wikis. --Holder (Diskussioun) 05:58, 14. Abr. 2015 (UTC)[äntweren]

Danke, Holder. Robby, du wiers deen eenzegen, dee potentiell dovu betraff wier. Och wann et Ament nëmme Stëmmen dergéint bei der Ofstëmmung ginn, wier et gutt, och Däi Pefferkäer dobäizesetzen, firwat déi Propos aus denger Perspektiv Kabes wier. --Zinneke (Diskussioun) 12:15, 14. Abr. 2015 (UTC)[äntweren]
Merci, ech hunn emol fir all déi Proposen op meta agedro datt ech net agesi firwat dat gutt soll sinn.--Robby (Diskussioun) 17:31, 14. Abr. 2015 (UTC)[äntweren]

Commons POTD

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Dem Cayambe säi Bild vum Kubitschek-Monument zu Brasilia ass haut "Picture of the Day" op Wikimedia Commons, an domat op der Haaptsäit vun enger ganzer Rëtsch vu Wikien. Gratulatiounen! --Zinneke (Diskussioun) 14:18, 21. Abr. 2015 (UTC)[äntweren]

Merci Zinneke fir den Hiweis. --Cayambe (Diskussioun) 20:51, 21. Abr. 2015 (UTC)[äntweren]

This is a message from the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee. Translations are available.

Voting has begun for eligible voters in the 2015 elections for the Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) and FDC Ombudsperson. Questions and discussion with the candidates for the Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) and FDC Ombudsperson will continue during the voting. Nominations for the Board of Trustees will be accepted until 23:59 UTC May 5.

The Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) makes recommendations about how to allocate Wikimedia movement funds to eligible entities. There are five positions on the committee being filled.

The FDC Ombudsperson receives complaints and feedback about the FDC process, investigates complaints at the request of the Board of Trustees, and summarizes the investigations and feedback for the Board of Trustees on an annual basis. One position is being filled.

The voting phase lasts from 00:00 UTC May 3 to 23:59 UTC May 10. Click here to vote. Questions and discussion with the candidates will continue during that time. Click here to ask the FDC candidates a question. Click here to ask the FDC Ombudsperson candidates a question. More information on the candidates and the elections can be found on the 2015 FDC election page, the 2015 FDC Ombudsperson election page, and the 2015 Board election page on Meta-Wiki.

On behalf of the Elections Committee,
-Gregory Varnum (User:Varnent)
Volunteer Coordinator, 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery 03:45, 4 May 2015 (UTC) • TranslateGet help

New Wikipedia Library Accounts Available Now (May 2015)

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Apologies for writing in English, please help translate this into your local language. Hello Wikimedians!

The TWL OWL says sign up today!

Today The Wikipedia Library announces signups for more free, full-access accounts to published research as part of our Publisher Donation Program. You can sign up for new accounts and research materials from:

  • MIT Press Journals — scholarly journals in the humanities, sciences, and social sciences (200 accounts)
  • Loeb Classical Library — Harvard University Press versions of Classical Greek and Latin literature with commentary and annotation (25 accounts)
  • RIPM — music periodicals published between 1760 and 1966 (20 accounts)
  • Sage Stats — social science data for geographies within the United States (10 accounts)
  • HeinOnline — an extensive legal research database, including 2000 law-related journals as well as international legal history materials (25 accounts)

Many other partnerships with accounts available are listed on our partners page, including Project MUSE, JSTOR, DeGruyter, Newspapers.com and British Newspaper Archive. Do better research and help expand the use of high quality references across Wikipedia projects: sign up today!
--The Wikipedia Library Team 22:12, 4. Mee 2015 (UTC)

We need your help! Help coordinate Wikipedia Library's account distribution and global development! Please join our team at Global our new coordinator signup.
This message was delivered via the Mass Message tool to The Wikipedia Library Global Delivery List


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Normalerweis gi mer sou am Februar-Mäerz iessen. Wéi steet et dëst Joer domat? --Otets 22:10, 6. Mäe. 2015 (UTC)[äntweren]

Gutt Iddi. Misst fir mech just nees op engem Samsde sinn.--Zinneke (Diskussioun) 23:44, 7. Mäe. 2015 (UTC)[äntweren]
14. an 20. Mäerz si fir mech problematesch --Jwh (Diskussioun) 23:57, 7. Mäe. 2015 (UTC)[äntweren]
Ech schloen den 2. oder den 9. Mee vir. Virdrun sinn ech leider net disponibel. --Sultan Edijingo (Diskussioun) 13:24, 8. Mäe. 2015 (UTC)[äntweren]
Den 2. oder 9. Mee ass just eng Propose vu mir: näischt schwätzt och nach géint aner Daten, déi een beim Tëschstand derbäi setze kann. Mer si jo laang am Viraus, wéi et schéngt. --Sultan Edijingo (Diskussioun) 07:59, 10. Mäe. 2015 (UTC)[äntweren]


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Eis Tabell vum leschte Joer. Drot äech w.e.g. all do an, respektiv proposéiert nach en aneren Datum. Déi meescht si schonn an der Lëscht agedroen, aner Interessente sinn natierlech och wëllkomm:

Numm 2. Mee 9. Mee 16. Mee 23. Mee 30. Mee Bemierkungen
Otets éischter jo ganz
wonnerbar 2. Mee (keen allze grousse) Risiko vu verlängertem WE
9. Mee Den Pobedy, do sinn ech héchstwaarscheinlech anescht ageplangt
Sultan Edijingo jo jo vläicht
Jwh kaum nee nee 't mir Leed, mä ech hat den 9. Mee 1945 vergiess...
Les Meloures neen jo neen neen neen
Robby éischter net jo jo
Zinneke jo jo vläicht jo jo den 9. Mee géing dach, awer just mëttes)
MMFE jo jo jo
Johnny Chicago jo jo nee selwecht Bemierkung wéi de Jwh
SITCK nee jo * Den 2. Mee ass kuerz viru Vollmound, wär vläicht besser den 9. Mee ze wielen ;)
Soued031 jo jo
Cayambe jo jo jo neen neen
GilPe (vläicht) jo (vläicht) jo nee Den 2. an de 16. Mee sinn ideal fir e verlängerte W-E no engem Feierdag!

Solle mer dann den 9. Mee festhalen? Dat ass vu 5 Méiglechkeeten deen Dag, deen deene meeschten, fir net ze soe (bal) allen, passt. Ech schloe vir, mer maachen et wéi d'lescht Kéier: RDV vun 12h30 un, Iesse vun 1 un, da kann ee bis eng Auer 4 weiderjaderen, wéi ee Loscht an Zäit huet. Kinnt een eng Reservatioun maachen? Vu mär aus gär déi selwescht Plaz wéi zejoer. --Zinneke (Diskussioun) 13:41, 10. Abr. 2015 (UTC)[äntweren]

Schéin datt mer elo endlech en Datum hunn, ech hoffe just, datt den Otets och nach eng Méiglechkeet fënnt fir dobäi ze sinn. Wie wëll kann awer och gär schonn e bësschen éischter do si fir en Aperitif. --MMFE (Diskussioun) 09:25, 11. Abr. 2015 (UTC)[äntweren]
Ech si vun 12:30 bis 13:30 derbäi, duerno muss ech leider fort. Mee ech kommen op alle Fall, fläisse mech dann e bësse beim Iessen ;) --Otets 09:54, 13. Abr. 2015 (UTC)[äntweren]
Ech ka leider net um 12:30 do sinn, muss awer weiderhi schonn um 13:30 fort. Et gesäit also wuel esou aus wi wann ech um 13:30 am Juegdschlass laanschtkomme fir just Hänn ze drécken, an dann direkt nees goe muss. Net super, mee ech versichen alt wéinstens dat ze man.--Otets 09:54,9. Mee

Moien, mer hunn nach keng Reservatioun. Wie kann am Juegschlass op der Veranda en Dësch fir eng Dose Leir reservéieren? --Zinneke (Diskussioun) 21:56, 27. Abr. 2015 (UTC)[äntweren]

Ech ruffen him da moar un - 12.30, 9. Mee, Mëttegiessen, eng Doze Leit op der Terrass --Jwh (Diskussioun) 23:10, 27. Abr. 2015 (UTC)[äntweren]
Ass gebongt! Veranda? Si c'est possible... Bon, vous faites votre possible - (extra frëndlech) --Jwh (Diskussioun) 09:55, 28. Abr. 2015 (UTC)[äntweren]

Wéi ëmmer sollte mer dat Agreabelt mam Nëtzleche verbannen, an d'Geleeënheet mam Wutz paken, dat ze beschwätzen, wat een un Iddien oder Remarquë sou ugesammelt huet. Heidrënner kann, wee wëll, seng scho mol androen, fir datt se net vergiess ginn.

  • Lëtzebuerger Uertschaftsartikelen: Struktur, generell Revisioun, Hëllefsmëttel fir d'Mise-à-jour, (Wikidata),...
  • Weiblech Kategorien;
  • Artikelen déi iwwerschaft solle ginn a Läschdelaien eventuell nei Schabloun mat Delaien;
  • Viruleedunge mat falscher Schreifweis;
  • Wat fir Präisser gi wou ernimmt? Sollen Ausname gemaach gi wann an der Struktur eng Rubrik Präisser an Auszechnunge besteet a wa gemeng gëtt verschidde Präisser wiere méi dichteg wéi déi aner a solle schonn op anere Plazen ernimmt ginn?
  • Admin- a Bürokraterechter op eiser Wiki;
  • Schablonal semi-automatesch Verlinkungen op a-z.lu oder autorenlexikon.lu bei Autueren, IMBD bei Filmleit, an änleches;
  • Eifeler Reegel bei de Kategorien
  • Interwikien, Metadaten a.s.w.
  • Geklamers an den Texter
  • Kapléin, Paschtéier an déi sougenannt Priiisteren
  • Kierchen a Kapellen: Parverband, Pastoralregioun, Dekanat... aus dem Haapttext eraus, alles dat an d'Këscht... fir de Liesfloss z'erliichteren
  • Aktualisatioun vun Artikelen
  • Bezeechnunge wéi de Jéngeren oder den Eeleren
  • ...
D'Leit déi beim Treffen dobäi waren: Johnny Chicago, Jwh, Zinneke, Les Meloures, GilPe, MMFE, Robby, Sultan Edijingo, Cayambe, (an de Soued031, net op der Foto)

En Décke Merci un alleguer ob dir do waart oder net ;).

Wichtegst Sujeten
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Op Wikidata verlinken, Leit hëllefen déi nei do sinn, Schabloun Iwwerschaffen änneren, Diskussioune sinn no 2 Woche fäerdeg, Kreatioun vu "Wikimedia Lëtzebuerg", Artikelen déi iwwerschafft musse ginn, ginn no 1 Mount geläscht (déi Reegel zielt vun elo 9. Mee)

Lëtzebuerger Uertschaftsartikelen: Struktur, generell Revisioun, Hëllefsmëttel fir d'Mise-à-jour, (Wikidata)
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D'Iwwerschrëfte Geographie a Geschicht mussen dra si souguer wann näischt drakënnt.

Weiblech Kategorien
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Jo fir d'Kreatioun.

Artikelen déi iwwerschaft solle ginn a Läschdelaien eventuell nei Schabloun mat Delaien
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1 Mount vun deem Moment u wou d'Schabloun dragesat gëtt gëtt den Artikel geläscht ausser den Artikel muss net méi iwwerschafft ginn. D'Schabloun Iwwerschaffe muss geännert gi fir datt erkläert gëtt aus wéi engem Grond den Artikel iwwerschafft muss ginn.

Viruleedunge mat falscher Schreifweis
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Just Uertschaften, Gemengen, Häff, Lieu-diten mat lokale Schreifweisen/Ausschwätzweisen dierfen eng Viruleedung "mat falscher Schreifweis" kréien.

Wat fir Präisser gi wou ernimmt? Sollen Ausname gemaach gi wann an der Struktur eng Rubrik Präisser an Auszechnunge besteet a wa gemeng gëtt verschidde Präisser wiere méi dichteg wéi déi aner a solle schonn op anere Plazen ernimmt ginn?
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(Gouf net ganz diskutéiert)

Admin- a Bürokraterechter op eiser Wiki
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Kënnt net méi a Fro. Et bleift alles sou wéi et ass.

Schablonal semi-automatesch Verlinkungen op a-z.lu oder autorenlexikon.lu bei Autueren, IMBD bei Filmleit, an änleches
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Just d'IMBD-Schabloun sollt am Ament ofgekuckt ginn.

Eifeler Reegel bei de Kategorien
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Overkill. Gëtt also net gemaach.

Interwikien, Metadaten a.s..w
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D'Artikele musse vun deenen déi d'Artikele kreéiere verlinkt ginn.

Geklamers an den Texter
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Soll ee sou mann wéi méiglech benotzen.

Kapléin, Paschtéier an déi sougenannt Priiisteren
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Am Ament soll et sou lafe wéi et grad leeft.

Kierchen a Kapellen: Parverband, Pastoralregioun, Dekanat... aus dem Haapttext eraus, alles dat an d'Këscht... fir de Liesfloss z'erliichteren
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Et bleift alles sou wéi et ass.

Aktualisatioun vun Artikelen
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Sollt jiddweree maachen.

Bezeechnunge wéi de Jéngeren oder den Eeleren
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Et soll ee keng Komparative benotzen also: Jéngeren → Jonken

Kreatioun vun der ASBL "Wikimedia Lëtzebuerg"
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Méi Informatioune gitt Dir gewuer wann de Benotzer:Les Meloures a Benotzer:soued031 bis d'ASBL enregistréiert hunn.

Domm gelaf, hunn den Termin verpasst a well mech entschëllegen ... SITCK (Diskussioun) 16:03, 9. Mee 2015 (UTC)[äntweren]

WikiCon 2015

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Die WikiCon 2015 findet vom 18. bis 20. September in Dresden statt. Ab jetzt kann man Vorschläge für das Programm einreichen und sich als Helfer bzw. als Teilnehmer eintragen. Wir freuen uns auch über Teilnehmer aus Luxemburg! --Holder (Diskussioun) 14:07, 15. Abr. 2015 (UTC)[äntweren]

This is a message from the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee. Translations are available.


I am pleased to announce that nominations are now being accepted for the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections. This year the Board and the FDC Staff are looking for a diverse set of candidates from regions and projects that are traditionally under-represented on the board and in the movement as well as candidates with experience in technology, product or finance. To this end they have published letters describing what they think is needed and, recognizing that those who know the community the best are the community themselves, the election committee is accepting nominations for community members you think should run and will reach out to those nominated to provide them with information about the job and the election process.

This year, elections are being held for the following roles:

Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is the decision-making body that is ultimately responsible for the long term sustainability of the Foundation, so we value wide input into its selection. There are three positions being filled. More information about this role can be found at the board elections page.

Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC)
The Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) makes recommendations about how to allocate Wikimedia movement funds to eligible entities. There are five positions being filled. More information about this role can be found at the FDC elections page.

Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) Ombud
The FDC Ombud receives complaints and feedback about the FDC process, investigates complaints at the request of the Board of Trustees, and summarizes the investigations and feedback for the Board of Trustees on an annual basis. One position is being filled. More information about this role can be found at the FDC Ombudsperson elections page.

The candidacy submission phase lasts from 00:00 UTC April 20 to 23:59 UTC May 5 for the Board and from 00:00 UTCApril 20 to 23:59 UTC April 30 for the FDC and FDC Ombudsperson. This year, we are accepting both self-nominations and nominations of others. More information on this election and the nomination process can be found on the 2015 Wikimedia elections page on Meta-Wiki.

Please feel free to post a note about the election on your project's village pump. Any questions related to the election can be posted on the talk page on Meta, or sent to the election committee's mailing list, board-elections -at- wikimedia.org

On behalf of the Elections Committee,
-Gregory Varnum (User:Varnent)
Coordinator, 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee, 05:03, 21 April 2015 (UTC) • TranslateGet help

This is a message from the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee. Translations are available.

Voting has begun for eligible voters in the 2015 elections for the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. Questions and discussion with the candidates for the Board will continue during the voting.

The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees is the ultimate governing authority of the Wikimedia Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in the United States. The Wikimedia Foundation manages many diverse projects such as Wikipedia and Commons.

The voting phase lasts from 00:00 UTC May 17 to 23:59 UTC May 31. Click here to vote. More information on the candidates and the elections can be found on the 2015 Board election page on Meta-Wiki.

On behalf of the Elections Committee,
-Gregory Varnum (User:Varnent)
Volunteer Coordinator, 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery 17:20, 17 May 2015 (UTC) • TranslateGet help

Nico Reisdorff

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Dear Admins (I don't know where to write that),

(en) Can you remove the "rape" part from Nico Reisdorff, since there is no source talking about that ?
(de) Können Sie bitte den "Vergewaltigung"-Teil von Nico Reisdorff löschen, weil es gibt keine Source darüber ?
(fr) Pourriez-vous enlever la partie parlant de viol sur Nico Reisdorff, car cela n'est pas corroboré par des sources ?

This request is linked to OTRS ticket #2015051110017808 .

-- OTRS Agent, Scoopfinder (Diskussioun) 12:55, 18. Mee 2015 (UTC)[äntweren]

Dear Scoopfinder as you requested allready on my talkpage it was done yesterday at 13:42 with this change --Les Meloures (Diskussioun) 13:07, 18. Mee 2015 (UTC)[äntweren]
Oops, didn't see it and was watching your talkpage for a reply. Thank you =) --Scoopfinder (Diskussioun) 13:36, 18. Mee 2015 (UTC)[äntweren]

Oppe Kierchen 2015

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Wéi der villäicht scho wësst ass den 13 & 14 Juni de Weekend vun den oppene Kierchen, wou 59 Kierchen a Kapelle op si fir Visiteuren. Bei verschiddene ginn och Erklärungen duerch Guiden an aner Aktivitéiten ugebueden. Méi genau Detailer kritt der ënner dësem Link. Opgepasst, verschidde Kierche sinn nëmmen ee vun deenen zwéi Deeg op an eventuell sinn d'Zäiten och staark begrenzt.

Wéi der wësst ass duerch deen neien Accord tëscht dem Bistum an dem Staat d'Zukunft vun enger Rei reliéise Gebaier a Fro gestallt, wat eventuell kënnt bedeiten datt besonnesch de Banneraum vu verschiddene Gebaier staark verännert kënnt ginn. Dofir wier et menger Meenung no sënnvoll, Biller vum Banneraum vun dëse Gebaier ze maache sou laang nach näischt verännert gouf. Well awer vill Kierchen a besonnesch och d'Kapellen hautdesdaags net méi jidderzäit op si wier dëse Weekend eng gudd Gelegenheet fir esou Biller ze maachen.

Ech hunn emol hei drënner eng Lëscht gemaach mat alle Gebaier déi dëse Weekend kënne besicht ginn an dozou d'Informatioun op mer scho Biller hunn oder nach net. Bis elo hu mer praktesch vun alle (kathoulesche) Kierchen a Kapellen Fotoe vu baussen, bei engem Deel hu mer der och méi oder manner vu bannen (groen Hannergrond), bei villen hu mer awer nach guer keng vu bannen (gréngen Hannergrond). Bei deene giel markéierte Gebaier steet entweder d'Gebai mam Mobiliar oder nëmmen de Mobiliar resp. aner Deeler bannen ënner Denkmalschutz. Leit déi bereet sinn dat eent oder aner Gebai ze fotograféiere kënne sech an der Tabell androe fir double emploi ze vermeiden. --MMFE (Diskussioun) 10:19, 25. Mee 2015 (UTC)[äntweren]

Super Initiativ, merci MMFE. Ech weess nach net wéi ech dee Weekend disponibel sinn. Wann et méiglech ass, maachen ech mat. --GilPe (Diskussioun) 20:14, 25. Mee 2015 (UTC)[äntweren]
Merci un all Bedeelegt! --Zinneke (Diskussioun) 13:04, 18. Jun. 2015 (UTC)[äntweren]
Uertschaft Biller baussen Biller bannen Wie ka Fotoe maachen?
Arsdorf Jo nee Sultan, war 13.6. zou
MMFE: de 14.6. huet et geklappt
Belvaux jo jo
Bettembourg jo jo
Bigonville jo jo, 1 Sultan: ok
Bissen (Kierch) jo jo (Uergel) MMFE: ok
Bissen (Kapell) jo jo, 1 MMFE: nee, do war zou
Boevange-sur-Attert jo nee
Brouch (Mersch) jo jo
Burmerange jo nee
Calmus jo nee MMFE: ok
Chistnach jo nee
Clervaux jo nee
Colmar-Berg jo jo
Diekirch (Kapell vum Fleegeheem) nee nee
Differdange (Fousbann) jo, 1 nee MMFE: net geklappt, awer Uewerkuer amplaz
Dudelange (Parkierch) jo jo
Echternach Notre-Dame des Douleurs jo jo
Echternach Ste-Croix jo nee
Echternach Sts Pierre et Paul jo jo, 3
Ehner (Kapell) jo nee MMFE: ok
Ellange jo nee
Elvange (Schengen) jo jo
Emerange (Kapell) jo nee
Hachiville jo jo, 2
Heffingen jo jo
Heisdorf jo jo
Hollenfels jo jo 1
Itzig jo nee GilPe - Huet leider net geklappt: et war éischter zou wéi am Programm stoung. Schued.
Kapweiler (Kapell) jo jo, 2 MMFE: ok
Kaundorf (Pirminuskapell) jo jo, 1
Lasauvage jo nee MMFE: ok
Lultzhausen (Kapell) jo nee MMFE: ok
Luxembourg-Belair (Parkierch) jo jo, 1
Luxembourg-Belair (Kapell) jo nee GilPe - OK
Luxembourg-Cessange jo nee GilPe - OK
Luxembourg-Glacis jo jo, 1 GilPe - OK
Luxembourg-Limpertsberg jo nee GilPe - OK
Luxembourg-Merl jo jo, 1
Luxembourg-Ville (Kathedral) jo jo
Mertert jo jo, 2
Moersdorf jo nee
Mondorf-les-Bains jo Jo, 1
Niedercorn jo nee MMFE: ok
Nospelt jo jo, 1
Obercorn jo nee MMFE: ok
Oberfeulen (Parkierch) jo jo, 1
Peppange (Kierch) jo jo
Peppange (Klouschter) jo nee MMFE: ok
Rambrouch jo nee Sultan: ok
Saeul jo nee MMFE: ok
Schwebach jo nee MMFE: ok
Septfontaines Jo jo, 1
Sonlez (Kapell) jo nee
Steinsel jo jo
Tuntange jo jo, 1
Waldbredimus jo jo
Walferdange jo jo, 1
Wasserbillig jo jo, 2
Wecker jo jo, 3
Wilwerdange jo nee Les Meloures

Pywikibot compat will no longer be supported - Please migrate to pywikibot core

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Sorry for English, I hope someone translates this.
Pywikibot (then "Pywikipediabot") was started back in 2002. In 2007 a new branch (formerly known as "rewrite", now called "core") was started from scratch using the MediaWiki API. The developers of Pywikibot have decided to stop supporting the compat version of Pywikibot due to bad performance and architectural errors that make it hard to update, compared to core. If you are using pywikibot compat it is likely your code will break due to upcoming MediaWiki API changes (e.g. T101524). It is highly recommended you migrate to the core framework. There is a migration guide, and please contact us if you have any problem.

There is an upcoming MediaWiki API breaking change that compat will not be updated for. If your bot's name is in this list, your bot will most likely break.

Thank you,
The Pywikibot development team, 19:30, 5 June 2015 (UTC)

VisualEditor News #3—2015

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10:44, 13. Jun. 2015 (UTC)

Ee vum Cayambe senge Biller huet et haut nees op d'Titelsäit vun de Commons gepackt (an domat op d'Haaptsäit vu ville Wikien). --Zinneke (Diskussioun) 12:37, 15. Jun. 2015 (UTC) Merci Zinneke, hat et selwer net gemierkt. --Cayambe (Diskussioun) 17:33, 15. Jun. 2015 (UTC)[äntweren]

New Wikipedia Library Accounts Available Now (June 2015)

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Hello Wikimedians!

The TWL OWL says sign up today!

Today The Wikipedia Library announces signups for more free, full-access accounts to published research as part of our Publisher Donation Program. You can sign up for new accounts and research materials from:

  • Taylor & Francis — academic publisher of journals. The pilot includes two subject collections: Arts & Humanities and Biological, Environment & Earth Sciences. (30 accounts)
  • World Bank eLibrary — digital platform containing all books, working papers, and journal articles published by the World Bank from the 1990s to the present. (100 accounts)
  • AAAS — general interest science publisher, who publishes the journal Science among other sources (50 accounts)

New French-Language Branch!

  • Érudit (en Francais) — Érudit is a French-Canadian scholarly aggregator primarily, humanities and social sciences, and contains sources in both English and French. Signups on both English and French Wikipedia (50 accounts).
  • Cairn.info (en Francais) — Cairn.info is a Switzerland based online web portal of scholarly materials in the humanities and social sciences. Most sources are in French, but some also in English. Signups on both English and French Wikipedia (100 accounts).
  • L'Harmattan — French language publisher across a wide range of non-fiction and fiction, with a strong selection of francophone African materials (1000 accounts).

Many other partnerships with accounts available are listed on our partners page, including an expansion of accounts for Royal Society journals and remaining accounts on Project MUSE, JSTOR, DeGruyter, Highbeam Newspapers.com and British Newspaper Archive. If you have suggestions for journals or databases we should seek access to make a request! Do better research and help expand the use of high quality references across Wikipedia projects: sign up today!
--The Wikipedia Library Team 22:08, 15 June 2015 (UTC)

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Content Translation beta feature is now available

[Quelltext änneren]
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How to use Content Translation - a short video (English)

Hello, Content Translation has now been enabled as an opt-in beta feature on the Luxembourgish Wikipedia. To start translating:

  1. Please enable the Beta feature in your preferences by checking the box for Content Translation.
  2. Visit the page Special:ContentTranslation or to your contributions page to open the tool.
  3. Click on the blue button to create a new translation.
  4. A dialog will be displayed. In the From section select the language of the original article and the article name, and the language you would like to translate to. Also add the title of the new article (or the original title will be inserted) and click on Translate to begin. Your language preferences will be remembered for the next time.
  5. You will see a screen consisting of three columns. The left column contains the text of the source language and the middle column is for the translated text. Using the right column you can perform several actions such as insert source text, remove the inserted text source text, add or remove links etc.
  6. After you translate the article, you can publish it directly as a new page on the Luxembourgish Wikipedia by using the publish button that appears. In case the article gets created by another user while you were translating, you will see an option to save the newly published translation under your user namespace.
  7. The number of published pages can be seen on the Content Translation stats page.

Since this is the first time we have installed the tool on this Wikipedia, there are chances that there may be some problems or service disruptions which we are not yet aware of. We will be monitoring the usage to check for any failures or issues, but please do let us know on the Content Translation talk page or through Phabricator if you spot any problems that prevent you from using the tool. For more information, please read the information available in the User Guide. Our announcement is written only in English, and we would really appreciate if this message can be translated to reach more users of this Wikipedia. Thank you. On behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation's Language Engineering Team:--Runa Bhattacharjee (Diskussioun) 16:16, 18. Jun. 2015 (UTC)[äntweren]

Panoramafräiheet a Gefor: Kontaktéiert Ären Europäeschen Deputéierten

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Message vum User Romaine:

Hi all,

This concerns all the chapters in the European Union and chapters in other European countries as well (copying is possible).

Copyrights reform in Europe going in the wrong direction, damaging Wikipedia.

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What is going on?

In the European Parliament currently a proposal (amendment) is submitted that will restrict Freedom of Panorama in Europe.

This means: you are no longer allowed to upload images from modern buildings and works of public art on Commons and not allowed to use those images on Wikipedia.

Also if Freedom of Panorama is only allowed for Non Commercial purposes only, this is a problem for Wikipedia!

Some details?

It concerns the amendment AM421 proposed by Cavada and passed in the JURI committee.

When is the voting about the amendment?

Thursday 9th July

But we have one chance only!

What can we do about this?

  • Forward this message to anyone who should know about this.
  • Talk to the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) in your country. Especially the members of the EPP, S&D and ALDE groups.
  • Communicate this issue to the members of your association, to your Wikipedia communities, and to the readers of Wikipedia. The public needs to know!
  • Translate: There will come a page on Meta about this, which needs translation. This page with info will contain basic information and can be linked to. This page can be copied to the local Wikipedias. This was done as well for the SOPA situation in 2012 which also attacked Wikipedia, [https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:SOPA

Publicise a press release about this, write about it on your website/blog (example)], talk to the media how this can damage Wikipedia, etc.

  • Use social media: Twitter, Facebook, and so on...
  • Twitter about it and retweet them. Suggestions: [1] - [2] - [3].

Twitter also directly to the Members of the European Parliament directly and ask them if they want to turn Wikipedia into black.

Where is the coordination?


To have an overview it would be handy if you sign up for your country/area.

Collect here also your actions like press releases, tweets, Facebook posts, etc. Those can be useful to read and to see where some action is missing or needed.

You need more information?

Read the upcoming Signpost article.


The Dutch chapter (WMNL) has formed a project group (including me) who is working hard on getting more attention for this subject. Both towards MEPs, the local community and towards the readers of Wikipedia. A campaign is coming up today or in the following days.

In Brussels Dimitar and Karl are monitoring the situation in the European Parliament. Thanks to them this issue comes to our attention.

Does your MEP like to meet someone in Brussels? Dimitar and Karl are in Brussels and I can come there as well.

Other suggestions?

Let us know!



board member of Wikimedia Belgium volunteer for Wikimedia Nederland

22:01, 19. Jun. 2015 (UTC)